Tuesday, April 11, 2023


This blog is for those who recognize the power of short literature. While smaller in scale, a good short novel, novella, short story, or collection of poetry is a gem that can have wide-ranging power. Here, I post short reviews of the best in short literature. Please join me to discover what this world has to offer!

What counts as a "short book"?

On this blog, I will review fiction and nonfiction that is below 200 pages. Exceptions will be made if it is a collection of short stories, novellas, or poems, in which each individual piece is under that length.

How often will you upload?

I hope to upload a review every two weeks. Join me regularly to see what short books I'm reading!


This blog is for those who recognize the power of short literature. While smaller in scale, a good short novel, novella, short story, or col...